Thanadsri Hat Yai since 1969

A timeless noodle shop passed down through generations, serving flavours steeped in tradition.

Ramen bowls & rolls served in a Restaurant at Hop Inn Hotel

Thanadsri Hat Yai since 1969 is a timeless noodle shop passed down through generations, serving flavours steeped in tradition.


Recommended Menu

  • Clear Soup Beef Noodles
  • Fresh Spring Rolls




Looking for a local restaurant in Hat Yai?

Thanadsri Hat Yai since 1969  is only about 1.8 kilometres from HOP INN Hat Yai Downtown. HOP INN Hotel offers a trusted network of budget hotels across APAC, which is perfect for your needs. Experience a comfortable and budget-friendly hotel with prime locations, easy access, and affordable prices. HOP INN ensures your convenience at every step.